
“Antenatal Fetal Care” training in Aktau city

From 25th till 29th of October, 2021 in accordance with the contract with state communal enterprises on the right of economic management "Aktau city polyclinic №1" National center of medical education. Health Department of Mangistau region organized and conducted a visiting seminar on "Antenatal care of fetus" (40 hours). (more…)

Training “Algorithm of early diagnostics of malignant neoplasms at the level of primary health care”

During the period of carrying out: from October, 25-29th, 2021 according to the request of Regional Oncological dispensary the distance seminar on a theme: "Algorithm of early diagnostics of malignant neoplasms at a level of primary medical care" (40 hours) was organized and carried out by National center of medical education. (more…)

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